2020.3 お知らせ

ご好評を頂いておりますRJM Mini Amp Gizmoですが生産完了となりました、
Amplifier Interfaceケーブルにつきましては今後も変らず生産を致します

2020.2 ファームウェアリリース

—MasterMind PBC6X ver4.4.0 Firmware Release—


  • Support for Strymon Iridium, Chase Bliss Blooper and Mood
  • Tapped in tempos are now preserved when switching presets within a song, if preset tempos are set to Song, or if “Ignore Preset Tempos” is turned on.
  • Added two special values to the ExpPedal action: “Same” does nothing, and “Send” sends the expression pedal’s current value again
  • “Decimal Tempo” setting controls whether tempos are displayed with one decimal place or as whole numbers only
  • Added setting to reverse Bank MSB and Bank LSB CCs for incoming bank selection
  • Added the ability to enable the Tuner Out on the PBC/6X itself


  • Loops and other audio features can now be controlled over USB
  • A button that controls multiple loops will now update the state any other buttons that control the same loops
  • Fixed button name display in IA Mode
  • Hid a lot of options that don’t apply to the PBC/6X
  • Turning on “Update on Preset Change” on a button will now disable state updates from an Axe-Fx III, like it does on previous models
  • Kemper tuner and tempo now work even if Ignore Incoming CC is turned on
  • Fixed state update of Kemper Reverb button
  • Fixed a bug that prevented long Sysex messages from being sent over USB. (This happened when using more than one Sysex action to build a longer message)
  • Fixed Axe-Fx tuner that was off by 1 cent
  • Fixed warnings when running editor in MacOS Catalina
  • Fixed potential memory corruption issue